Friday, 8 April 2011

Calum 2 months


  1. Calum is an absolutely beautiful baby, and if smiles are an indicator, then his reactions are certainly as quick as any wee boy of his age!

    I realise, however, that it must be tough, Derick, as you posted on your wall "being full-time Dad and Mum", but do be assured you are regularly remembered before the Throne of Grace by brothers and sisters you might not meet this side of eternity. May this knowledge strenthen and encourage you! Blessings in Jesus, Jenny

  2. I just found your blog through a friend on facebook. Your story has touched my heart. I've signed up to follow your blog and look forward to see how God will bless you and your children's lives.

    I pray that God will continue to give you comfort that only He can give and thank the Lord for the healing that He has so obviously done in Calum. He really does appear to be normal in every way, especially that bright smile. I echo the words above how you are being remembered before the Throne of Grace, in Jesus' name.

    Joy in Virginia, USA

  3. Oh how beautiful- and just so precious. May God continue to strengthen you as you have to be all things to your children- His grace is sufficient for you- I pray you will know that with a certainty.
